How to Get a Partner On Board With Your Health Journey

We have seen time and time again that having in-home support is vital to achieving our goals.

We make most of our health decisions—food, stress relief, sleep—at home. For most of us, the cornerstone of health is the home and the people inside it. So how do we engage an unwilling partner? Or at least convince them not to actively sabotage our health journey?

1. Bee Loving – Much of the resistance we face from our partners arises from them feeling like we are pointing out their “bad” behaviors. Even if they logically know we aren’t attacking them, they can feel triggered by deep insecurities. Think about your personal journey, and share from a place of love.

2. Bee Calm – Many of us wait until we are frustrated before we try to “enroll” our partners. This can be perceived as an attack, and just like any good battle, shields will be deployed. Request time outside the heat of the moment to talk about your goals. This is important if you want your partner to truly hear you.

3. Bee Humble – Our self-care regimens reveal a lot about how we view ourselves. If you think making your partner feel bad by flaunting your “better” choices will pay off, think again. You will most likely face deeply dug heels and mounting resentment. If your partner is not on board with your choices, focus on the joy of your own journey and your anticipated outcomes. Be grateful about your process at arcsfl, but avoid making your partner feel small. Maybe over time they will see your changes and develop curiosity about their own journey.

4. Request Support – From a calm and loving place, request their support. Discuss your struggles, and share how they can help. Give them an opportunity to consider their own actions, and allow them to make the choice about their commitment. Give thanks for the things they are willing to do, and find resilience around the areas you will need to carry on your own.

5. Avoid Overwhelming – Focus on common ground. Start with one small change until that behavior becomes a habit, and then slowly add a new commitment every other week or once a month. Small adjustments add up to big changes over time. 

6. Bee Appreciative – Rather than focusing on your partner’s shortcomings, show appreciation for the support you do receive. Thank them for their effort, and explain the difference it makes for you. 

In the end, remember your health is your responsibility. Although our partners can affect us tremendously, don’t blame them for your shortcomings. At the end of the day, we are responsible for ourselves. If you find yourself blaming others for your actions, it may be time to examine your own commitment to your health journey rather than pointing the finger elsewhere.

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Vanessa Lambert