Conscious Cleaning and Clearing:

As we begin to close the winter season, it is a great time to reassess our space, priorities, and commitments for the new season. It may be a time where we also dive into deep cleaning physically and metaphysically. Today I want to give you three ways you can clean out toxicity in your house and your mind.

1. Clear Out The Clutter With Gratitude – Winter seems to be a time of accumulation. With holiday purchases and our general tendency to go more towards dormancy and stagnation, we tend to accumulate more than we get rid of in the winter time. You may see signs of this in your cupboards or drawers. Maybe even in your closet where winter clothes have taken up space that may have been open in the summer. You may even feel it in the way your clothes fit as perhaps you kept a little more on yourself than normal as well. So today, start the process of cleaning with gratitude by choosing one space (closet, drawer, car etc.) to clean out anything that is no longer serving you. It’s very easy to turn into a scarcity mindset when getting rid of things but this is where gratitude can be a great friend to the process. If you find yourself feeling conflicted about getting rid of an item, see if you can turn your attention to the gratitude you have for this item serving you in your life and gratitude that perhaps it can now serve someone along their journey as well. If the item gives you so much gratitude that as Marie Kondo says, it “sparks joy” then can you make a dedicated space for the item to remain. However, if it does not spark joy then give it thanks and give it away!

“If you find yourself feeling attached to a product that isn’t up to snuff, this is where some proper self love and care can come to the rescue.”

2. Eliminate With Self-Love – One of the most caring things we can do for ourselves is to take a critical look at the household products we use on a regular basis. This can range from your cleaning products to your bath care and beauty products. Take a particularly stern look at anything you slather on your body every day. These products should be products that do not contain any harmful chemicals, hormone disruptors or suspicious ingredients. For all of these products you should have strong sense of awareness of how they are made and the ingredients they contain. If you find yourself feeling attached to a product that isn’t up to snuff, this is where some proper self love and care can come to the rescue. Ask yourself if you would use this stuff on or around a baby. If the answer is no, then remember you are that precious baby and it’s important to mother or father yourself as you would a child. We have asked ourselves this question time and time again and it’s one of the reasons for so long we have made our own products and are diligently working on Bee Brand Body, a toxic free line we can feel good about offering to the world.

3. Get Complete With Compassion – Is there a relationship or personal situation that is leaving you feeling unsettled? Then take this time to clear the air and the energy. If possible, try putting yourself in the other’s shoes. See things from their side. Does that give you more compassion for their position or at least inform you why they may have acted the way they have? Can you have compassion for them and yourself for being human and for doing the best that your current emotional tools allowed for? Can you reach out and try to make things right? If not, can you send healing energy and loving compassion to the situation psychically? Can you say a prayer or sit in meditation to release some of the stagnation around the situation? Perhaps you can write a letter of apology to the person or even yourself for how the situation transpired. Even if you can’t “fix” the given circumstance, can you at least soften the energetic charge around it through your own chosen mindfulness practice.

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Vanessa Lambert